Current faculty
- Axel Brandenburg
Current faculty
Axel Brandenburg

Featured work:
Brandenburg, A., Schober, J., Rogachevskii, I., et al. 2017 "The Turbulent Chiral Magnetic Cascade in the Early Universe" ApJL, 845, L21
Brandenburg, A., Ashurova, M. B., & Jabbari, S. 2017 "Compensating Faraday Depolarization by Magnetic Helicity in the Solar Corona" ApJL, 845, L15
Brandenburg, A., Mathur, S., & Metcalfe, T. S. 2017 "Evolution of Co-existing Long and Short Period Stellar Activity Cycles" ApJ, 845, 79
Brandenburg, A., Schober, J., & Rogachevskii, I. 2017 "The contribution of kinetic helicity to turbulent magnetic diffusivity" AN, 338, 790
Brandenburg, A., Petrie, G. J. D., & Singh, N. K. 2017 "Two-scale Analysis of Solar Magnetic Helicity" ApJ, 836, 21
Brandenburg, A. 2016 "Stellar Mixing Length Theory with Entropy Rain" ApJ, 832, 6