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Matilsky in final round of 3-minute thesis competition
Posted 6 February 2018
Loren has been selected to move on to the final round of CU Boulder’s inaugural Three-Minute-Thesis competition! This event allows researchers in various departments across the Graduate School to explain their research in three minutes to the general public, using only one static powerpoint slide. Loren's talk will be titled "Living with a Star: the Beauty and Perils of Our Sun," centered around his recent research on near-surface shear dynamics in the solar convection zone. The competition will take place February 20, 3--5 PM in the UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom.
Dispatches from the AAS 231
Posted 15 January 2018

Loren Matilsky gave a talk in "The Sun" session entitled, "Toward a Self-Consistent Dynamical Model of the NSSL."
GEH COLLAGE course, Spring 2018
Posted 11 January
ASTR 7500 (CU Boulder course number) announced: "The focus of this offering is helio and asteroseismology. We will examine the theoretical underpinnings, practical applications, and scientific outcomes."